Cheap Fast Racing Kart Team Heads to the Spud Cup!!!

On the weekend of September 16th thru the 18th, the Cheap Fast Racing team will be heading to Eagle, Idaho for the debut race for Lewis “The Future” Dilley at the Spud Cup. CFR and Lewis want to continue the successful season in LO206 JR1. Lewis will be in the #17 OTK Exprit Chassis. Lewis has solidly been one of the top JR1 drivers in the Northwest the past few years and this year was no exception. In the Padholder Regional Series, he collected two wins and five podiums on his way to a 4th place finish in the overall standings. Most recently at the Tri City Shootout he brought home another podium in the form of a third place finish. Lewis knows how to get it done on the big stage and the SPUD CUP should be no exception.

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Jeff Hanken